Look Book: Karla Spetic Fall 2012

Leopard prints, pastels, and pops of bright colors. It’s like Karla Spetic asked me what are a few of my favorite things, and then made a collection out of it. Totally in love with these fresh and feminine pieces!

images; Karla Spetic Collection

Launch Week Overview

Welp, I’ve made it through my first week of blogging! Thank you to everyone who has visited, liked, and followed The Blend! I have a ton of neat ideas floating through my head for the blog and I can’t wait to put them into action. Right now, I’m just working on building general content, but eventually, the blog will also focus on trendy shops, DIY’s, homes, and things to do on the Eastern Shore. All in all, it’s been an exciting and frustrating week.

Here’s what I’ve learned thus far:

1. “Simple” tasks and navigation in WordPress are unnecessarily complicated…

2. It’s easy to become totally addicted to checking your blog.

3. Very few things surpass the thrill of receiving email notifications when people “like” and “follow” your blog…which in turn, feeds your blogging addiction.

4. If I want to keep my day job (::shrugs::) I MUST implement a post schedule and editorial calendar or this blog will run my life.

5. I want this blog to run my life…

If you have any tips, comments, advice etc., please share. Full steam ahead into week 2!

With Love & Laughter,


Picture Perfect: How to Hang Art

Displaying artwork in groupings can instantly make a room look and feel chic and eclectic. But hanging artwork in stylistic form is sometimes easier said than done. If you don’t have an eye for arranging pictures, here’s a few templates and ideas to use as a guide.

images 1,2,3,4,5,6